Short Film: MOMO

MOMO (working tittle). Is a film about my grandmother, who grew up in NYC having emigrated from Norway. She lived in an orphanage for parts of her childhood and grew up in an unusual setting, making her an unusual character. She has written a book about her childhood “Boken Om Piken” (Norwegian). She has been an active artist for her entire life, in textiles and painting, being politically active in a number of organisations. 

 She is the reason I know how to sew, paint and many other practical tools I have learnt. But above all else she taught me that being an artist is not only within the confines of a gallery but rather everything that surrounds you on the daily. That being an artist is how you wake up and get dressed, and how you chose to paint your living room walls silver one day, and how to have a feminist book club with other older women in town. My grandmothers house and the objects that  inhabit it, in many ways represent her as a colourful human being and I hope that some of her unique life stories can exist through her objects. 

Stills for the upcoming project. 

Instagram: @chris.stuyck

All copyright reserved to Christina Stuyck